PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. برنامه ها Connect 4.0
Enjoy the ability to stay connected anywherewith Indonesia’s largest Wi-Fi Hotspots network. Connectallows you to connect seamlessly to network whenever andwherever you need it.Get the new version of connect v3.x with lots of newfeatures, more reliable and fun to use...
UseeTV for Tab 1.6.1
UseeTV is an Over-The-Top service established by PT. TelkomunikasiIndonesia, Tbk.UseeTV gives new experience for Indonesian market to enjoyentertainment through Internet. It’s a one stop multimedia servicefor Indonesian family with variety contents of different genre –drama, actions, Hollywood blockbuster, local content, kids content,celestial drama and comedy and also Bollywood. Free-to-air TV andradio also includes in our library, where audience can freelychoose.UseeTV gives the opportunity to do two-ways interaction as theaudience is allowed to request the content to be watched. Otherfeature UseeTV offer is TvoD or TV on Demand where our audience canwatch TV programs at their convenient time. Very suitable for busyand modern lifestyle.
Telkomcloud 1.0.0
Mobile application for Telkomcloud products and services
eBook Aa Gym 1.4.2
eBook Aa Gym adalah sebuah ekosistem buku digital (e-Book) yangditujukan untuk pembaca, penulis, dan penerbit indonesia. eBook AaGym menyediakan koleksi buku digital berkualitas tinggi dariberagam penerbit, baik berbayar maupun gratis.Aplikasi eBook Aa Gym dengan platform Android ini memilikifasilitas bookstore dimana pengguna dapat menjelajah jajarankoleksi buku digital, untuk kemudian membeli dan mengunduhnya.eBook Aa Gym Android juga menyediakan rak digital untuk menaruhbuku yang sudah dibeli dan diunduh oleh pengguna, layananbookreader yang memiliki fasilitas kustomisasi ukuran huruf dantema untuk memaksimalkan kenyamanan membaca bagi pengguna.Sistem pembelian buku digital dapat dilakukan dengan ATM,Internet Banking,maupun potong pulsa menggunakan Telkomsel UPOINT.eBooks AaGym is an ecosystem of digital books (e-Book) which is intended forreaders, writers, and publishers Indonesia. Aa Gym eBook provides acollection of high-quality digital books from various publishers,both paid and free.Aa Gym eBook application to the Android platform has a facilitywhere users can browse the bookstore ranks collection of digitalbooks, then purchase and download them.Aa Gym Android eBook also provides a digital shelf to put booksthat have been purchased and downloaded by the user, which hasfacilities BookReader service customization and theme font size tomaximize comfort for the user to read.Systems digital book purchases can be made by ATM, InternetBanking,and cutting pulses using Telkomsel UPOINT.
My IndiHome 1.1.7
My Indihome adalah merupakan salah satuProgram Customer Relationship Management TELKOM pada SegmentConsumer Service guna meningkatkan Customer Satisfaction danLoyalitas Pelanggan Produk IndiHOME TELKOM. Program ini sebagaiwahana TELKOM untuk men-deliver Program Customer Reward dalambentuk Digital Membership dengan pemberian Coupon dan Point Rewardsesuai dengan produk dan layanan yang dinikmati pelanggan TELKOMKriteria Pelanggan TELKOM yang mendapatkan atau menjadi memberdari Digital Membership My IndiHome ini adalah sebagai berikut:1. Pelanggan TELKOM Segment Consumer Service dan BUKAN SegmentEnterprise ataupun Business service2. Pelanggan harus berlangganan IndiHOME TELKOM dengan produk danlayanan minimal sebagai berikut :a. Berlangganan Fitur Free 1000 Menit Call sesama Telepon Rumahuntuk Panggilan Lokal dan SLJJb. Internet Kecepatan Tinggic. USeeTV All Channel Included Channel Liga Inggris atau PremierLeagued. Tagihan Single Billing atau TSI.3. Pelanggan Tidak sedang Memiliki Tunggakan atau Produk danLayanan Tidak dalam Status Isolir. Dalam hal ini pelanggan rutinmelakukan pembayaran atas Tagihan Produk dan Layanan dalam rentangwaktu yang sudah ditetapkan TELKOM sebagai waktu pembayaran.Help Desk dan Call CenterHelp Desk untuk mendapatkan informasi dan mengirimkan keluhan ataukesulitan dalam penggunaan aplikasi myIndiHome adalah sebagaiberikut :1. E-Mail : Penggunadapat langsung mengirimkan segala hal terkait IndiPass dariaplikasi yang dimaksud2. Call Center TELKOM : 147.My Indihome is one ofTELKOM's Customer Relationship Management Program on ConsumerService Segment in order to increase Customer Satisfaction andCustomer Loyalty Product IndiHOME TELKOM. TELKOM this program as avehicle for delivering on Customer Reward Program in the form ofDigital Membership by providing and Point Reward Coupon accordingto the products and services that customers enjoy TELKOMCriteria TELKOM customers who get or become a member of theDigital Membership My IndiHome are as follows:1. TELKOM Customer Segment Segment Consumer Service and NOTEnterprise or Business service2. Customers must subscribe IndiHOME TELKOM with minimal productsand services as follows:a. Free subscription features fellow 1000 Call Minutes to Call HomePhone local and long distanceb. High-Speedc. Included USeeTV Channel All Channel League or PremierLeagued. Single bill Billing or TSI.3. Not being Have Unpaid Customers or Products and Services not inIsolir Status. In this case the customer routinely perform billpayment for products and services in the timeframe that has beenset TELKOM as the timing of payments.Help Desk and Call CenterHelp Desk to get information and send complaints or difficulties inthe use myIndiHome application is as follows:1. E-Mail: Users candirectly transmit everything related IndiPass of the application inquestion2. Call Center TELKOM: 147.
My Telkom 1.0
My Telkom adalah aplikasi self service untukpelanggan Telkom dalam mengelola portofolio produknya. Fitur yangdimiliki pada versi 1.0 ini adalah melihat tagihan internet dantelepon rumah, mengelola jadwal konferensi, menyampaikan keluhandan melacak keluhan.My Telkom is aself-service applications to customers of Telkom in managing itsproduct portfolio. The features of the version 1.0 is a look at theinternet and home phone bills, manage conference schedules, submitcomplaints and track complaints.
UShop 1.2.6
Ushop is not an online store.Ushop gives the best way to get access delivery services on variousmerchants surrounding your place. You can connect and make an orderdirectly to any merchant without website or call center. With Ushopyou will be given the ease in ordering a variety of products,delivery tracking status and advanced payment using credit card.Another feature that you can feel in this app include:1. Easy access to delivery services nearest to your place.2. Special notes for your orders.3. Tracking delivery status directly from the messenger who bringsyour order.4. Scheduled orders.Enjoy a new shopping experience through Ushop, easier, simpler,and better
Qbaca 3.3.9
Qbaca is digital book (e-Book) ecosystem forIndonesian readers, authors, and publishers. Qbaca provides acollection of high quality books from Indonesian publishers,including paid books, advertised books, and free books.The Android app has a bookstore where the user can explore, buyand download books. The payment might use ATM from Indonesianbanks, including the Internet banking and SMS banking. The app alsohas a shelf to put bought and downloaded books. The book reader hasa font size and style setting, to maximise the readingcomfortability, both is portrait and landscape viewing modes.
Ucare Jakarta 1.1
Aplikasi android sebagai wahana warga kota Jakarta untukmelaporkankondisi sekitar yang berkaitan dengan akitifitas danfasilitaspublik. Salah satu upaya untuk mendukung terciptanya kotaJakartasebagai Smart City. Laporan yang disampaikan oleh wargadalamaplikasi ini akan diterima oleh Pemerintah Provinsi DKIJakarta danakan dilakukan upaya penanganan dalam rangka mewujudkanGoodGovernance Service Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakartakepadamasyarakat.Androidapplication as a vehicle for the city residents to reportabout theconditions relating to the activity, and publicfacilities. Oneeffort to support the creation of the city as aSmart City. Reportssubmitted by citizens in this application willbe accepted byJakarta Provincial Government and will be tackling inorder torealize good governance Jakarta Provincial GovernmentService tothe community.
T-Chat 1.3
T-Chat adalah aplikasi Chating persembahandari Telkom Indonesia. Dapat digunakan dengan menggunakanTelkom-ID. Silahkan registrasi logn Telkom-ID di MyTelkom ( is an applicationChating offerings from Telkom Indonesia. Can be used with theTelkom-ID. Please register logn Telkom-ID in MyTelkom (
New Cerita Perut 1.0
Download Top 1000 Rekomendasi KulinerIndonesia langsung dari hasil survey!Tersedia lengkap informasi alamat, harga dan rute via google maps.Kamu suka kulineran wajib download.Langsung liat daftar Top Recommended nya.Presented by TELKOM.Download Top 1000Recommendations Culinary Indonesia directly from the results of thesurvey!Available complete address information, prices and routes viagoogle maps.You like kulineran mandatory download.Direct clay its list of Top Recommended.Presented by TELKOM.
IndiHome Library 1.4.1
IndieHome Library is digital book (e-Book)ecosystem for Indonesian readers, authors, and publishers.IndieHome Library provides a collection of high quality books fromIndonesian publishers, including paid books, advertised books, andfree books.The Android app has a bookstore where the user can explore, buyand download books. The payment might use ATM from Indonesianbanks, including the Internet banking and SMS banking. The app alsohas a shelf to put bought and downloaded books. The book reader hasa font size and style setting, to maximise the readingcomfortability, both is portrait and landscape viewing modes.IndieHome Library is adigital book (e-Book) ecosystem for Indonesian readers, authors,and publishers. IndieHome Library Provides a collection of highquality Indonesian books from publishers, Including paid books,advertised books, and free books.The Android app has a bookstore where the user can explore, buyand download books. The payment MIGHT from Indonesian banks useATMs, Including the Internet banking and SMS banking. The app Alsohas a shelf to put bought and downloaded books. The book reader hasa font size and style setting, to Maximise the readingcomfortability, is both portrait and landscape viewing modes.
2CheckIn 1.3
2CheckIn, use your phone to send yourattendance and get notifications scheduleFeatures :* Authentication login using email and your password* Showing notification images based on schedule* Foreground and background mode for sending attendance* Ranging position with beacon* Background monitoring for beaconRequires :* BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) version 4.0* Android version 4.3 and later
Udoctor 1.1
Portal Kesehatan yang menyediakan layanankesehatan yang bersifat promotif, preventif, konsultatif danmonitoring yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan layanan kesehatan kepadamasyarakat serta memudahkan dalam berkonsultasi dengan dokter.Tersedia beberapa Fitur / layanan, yaitu :- Artikel Tips dan Info Gaya Hidup Sehat- Artikel Tips dan informasi Kesehatan- Konsultasi dengan Dr Jaga (Chat, Voice, Video Call)- Konsultasi dengan Dr Praktek (Chat, Voice, Video Call)- Personal Health Care- History Medical Record- Social Media- Dokter KaluargaHealth portals thatprovide health care that is promotive, preventive, consultative andmonitoring that aims to facilitate public health services as wellas facilitate in consultation with a doctor.There are some features / services, namely:- Article Tips and Info Healthy Lifestyle- Articles and Tips Health information- Consultation with Dr. Jaga (Chat, Voice, Video Call)- Consultation with Dr. Practice (Chat, Voice, Video Call)- Personal Health Care- Medical History Record- Social Media- Doctor Kaluarga
UContest 1.4.2
UContest is an online competition platformthat enables you to view and join online competitionsinstantly.UContest competition isan online platform that enables you to view and join onlineCompetitions instantly.
Telkom Solution AR 1.0
Telkom Solution AR merupakan aplikasiAugmented Reality yang dirancang untuk menggabungkan objek nyatadengan objek digital dalam sebuah sistem berdimensi 3.Aplikasi ini menggunakan modul kamera pada smartphone untukmengkonversi objek nyata menjadi pengalaman digital instan daninteraktif yang dapat dinikmati oleh pengguna.Temukan materi publikasi Telkom Solution bertanda khusus, lalupindai dengan aplikasi Telkom Solution AR untuk mendapatkanpengalaman digital kaya konten seputar produk dan informasi TelkomSolution.Telkom Solution AugmentedReality AR is an application designed to combine real objects withdigital objects in a 3-dimensional system.This app uses the smartphone's camera module converts the realobject into an instant and interactive digital experience that canbe enjoyed by the user.Discover publication of material Telkom Solution speciallymarked, then scan with Telkom Solution AR application to obtain acontent-rich digital experience about the product and informationTelkom Solution.
Perpusnas 1.4.4
Qbaca Perpusnas is digital book (e-Book)ecosystem for Indonesian readers, authors, and publishers. Qbacaprovides a collection of high quality books from Indonesianpublishers, including paid books, advertised books, and free books.The Android app has a bookstore where the user can explore, buyand download books. The payment might use ATM from Indonesianbanks, including the Internet banking and SMS banking. The app alsohas a shelf to put bought and downloaded books. The book reader hasa font size and style setting, to maximise the readingcomfortability, both is portrait and landscape viewing modes.Qbaca NLI is a digitalbook (e-Book) ecosystem for Indonesian readers, authors, andpublishers. Qbaca Provides a collection of high quality Indonesianbooks from publishers, Including paid books, advertised books, andfree books.The Android app has a bookstore where the user can explore, buyand download books. The payment MIGHT use ATM from Indonesianbanks, Including the Internet banking and SMS banking. The app Alsohas a shelf to put bought and downloaded books. The book reader hasa font size and style setting, to Maximise the readingcomfortability, is both portrait and landscape viewing modes.
Easy Blood 1.2.1
PMI terus mengampanyekan donor darah sebagaibagian dari gaya hidup (lifestyle). Setiap tahunnya, PMImenargetkan hingga 4,5 juta kantong darah sesuai dengan kebutuhandarah nasional, disesuaikan dengan standar Lembaga KesehatanInternasional (WHO) yaitu 2% dari jumlah penduduk untuk setiapharinya.Donor darah dapat menyelamatkan banyak jiwa sekaligusmenyehatkan ragamu. Tusukan jarum kecil yang menembus pembuluhdarah dapat menjadikanmu seorang pahlawan bagi sesama yangmembutuhkan darah.PMI Kota Bandung bekerjasama dengan Telkom Indonesia danNeuronworks Indonesia selaku pengembang aplikasi mempersembahkanaplikasi Easy Blood yang berbasis mobile sebagai bentuk kepeduliankepada sesama dengan menghadirkan kemudahan dalam memperolehinformasi stok darah secara realtime dan menyampaikan permintaandarah untuk kebutuhan darurat. Easy Blood juga dapat menampilkaninformasi kegiatan donor darah dan memberi kesempatan bagimasyarakat untuk bergabung menjadi pendonor dalam komunitas EasyBlood. Pendonor dapat mengelola profil keanggotaan dan mengaksesinformasi riwayat donor.Fitur Umum :a.Melihat stok darah PMI Kota Bandungb.Menyampaikan permintaan darah dalam kondisi daruratc.Melihat jadwal kegiatan mobil unit Kota Bandungd.Pemberitahuan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan donor darahe.Informasi berkenaan tentang syarat & manfaat donorf.Melihat lokasi Rumah Sakit dan lokasi kegiatan mobil unit di KotaBandungFitur tambahan untuk pendonor :a.Mengelola profil keanggotaan pendonor di PMI Kota Bandungb.Melihat riwayat donorc.Pengingat waktu donor darahUntuk mendapatkan username yaitu id donor, anda harus menjadipendonor dan minimal melakukan sekali donor darah di PMI KotaBandung.Sedangkan bagi pendonor, anda bisa melakukan login denganmengisikan id donor yang tertera pada kartu donor anda danmengisikan kata sandi dengan tanggal lahir anda, adapun formattanggal lahirnya adalah tahun-bulan-tanggal (yyyy-mm-dd).
UZone 3.0.0
UZone: Curated news & opinion mediadenganinformasi trending terkiniSatu sumber untuk informasi pilihan trend social media,video,lagu, buku, travel & kuliner, game & kompetisi,sertaolahragaUZone: Curated newsandopinion media with the latest trending informationOne source for information about trends choice socialmedia,video, songs, books, travel and culinary, games andcompetitions,as well as sports
Telkom AR 1.0
Telkom AR merupakan aplikasi AugmentedRealityyang dirancang untuk menggabungkan objek nyata dengan objekdigitaldalam sebuah sistem berdimensi 3.Aplikasi ini menggunakan modul kamera pada smartphoneuntukmengkonversi objek nyata menjadi pengalaman digital instandaninteraktif yang dapat dinikmati oleh pengguna.Temukan materi publikasi Telkom bertanda khusus, lalupindaidengan aplikasi Telkom AR untuk mendapatkan pengalamandigital kayakonten seputar produk dan informasi Telkom.Telkom AR is anAugmentedReality app that is designed to combine real objects withdigitalobjects in a 3-dimensional system.This app uses the smartphone's camera module converts therealobject into instant and interactive digital experience that canbeenjoyed by the user.Discover publication of material Telkom specially marked,thenscan with Telkom AR application to obtain a content-richdigitalexperience around the product and information Telkom.
Taman Baca Peruri 3.1.4
Taman Baca Peruri is digital book(e-Book)ecosystem for Indonesian readers, authors, and publishers.TamanBaca Peruri provides a collection of high quality booksfromIndonesian publishers, including paid books, advertised books,andfree books.Parks Read Peruri isadigital book (e-Book) ecosystem for Indonesian readers,authors,and publishers. Parks Read Peruri Provides a collection ofhighquality Indonesian books from publishers, Including paidbooks,advertised books, and free books.
New UContest 1.5
UContest is an OnlineCompetitionPlatform
Bostoko 1.3.5
BOSTOKO merupakan Aplikasi Point Of Sale (POS) atau program kasirberbasis Android yang dimiliki oleh PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia.Aplikasi BOSTOKO dapat terhubung dengan perangkat penunjang PointOf Sale (POS) seperti : BARCODE SCNANNER, CASH DRAWER (laci uang),dan THERMAL PRINTER. Aplikasi BOSTOKO memiliki fitur-fitur yangdibutuhkan Anda dalam menjalankan bisnis. BOSTOKO dapat di akses di Adapun fitur yang dimiliki BOSTOKO, antara lain: - Rekam Jejak Transaksi, Proses transaksi lebih cepat danmenyenangkan : Proses lebih fleksibel jika ada perubahan harga,diskon, jumlah, dan satuan. - Kustomisasi Transaksi & Diskon -Manajemen Stok, Pencatatan stok lebih rapi dan akurat. - TataKelola Produk, Pengelolaan produk lebih dapat terkontrol. -Manajemen Pelanggan, Tingkatkan kenyamanan pelanggan denganpengelolaan pelanggan yang lebih baik. - Manajemen Supplier,Pengelolaan supplier lebih mudah. - Multi Cabang, Integrasikan dandapatkan kontrol penuh setiap cabang dari bisnis Anda. - Dashboard& Laporan, Cukup Pantau proses bisnis anda, semua laporanserahkan kepada BOSTOKO. - Sinkronisasi & Update Data,Sinkronasikan data ke semua perangkat Anda - Dan banyak lainnya
Telkom Solution 0.9.5
Welcome to Telkom Solution, this appwillprovide you with many information about Telkom productsandservice. You may login with email or your social mediaaccount(Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin/Google Plus).In 'Solusi and Industri Telkom' feature you will findmanysolutions and product. By dinamic view and animation, you willnotonly see text content, but also links which connected rightintoYoutube videos. Feel interested? All you have to do is a clicktocall Account Manager.'News' feature will give you highlights about whathapperendrecently in Telkom solutions. Keep yourself update withnews aboutcommunication solution in industry by this feature.Yes you can give feedbacks. 'Feedback' feature hand you accesstocomment, pick a rate, and like the news and solutions thatofferedto you. Not only that, 'Support' feature will assist youwith allthe supports you need. You can solve your matter whileusing Telkomproducts by FAQ, tips, and helpful articles.
Telkom Attendance 1.0.2
Telkom Attendance, use your phone to sendyourattendance and get notifications scheduleFeatures :* Authentication login using email as username and password* Showing notification images based on schedule* Foreground and background mode for sending attendance* Ranging position with beacon* Background monitoring for beaconRequires :* BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) version 4.0* Android version 4.3 and later
InPoin Loyalty 1.1.0
InPoin (yang merupakan akronim dari IndonesiaPoin) adalah poin yang terbit melalui program loyalty yangmerupakan salah satu fungsi dari program Kartu BUMN yang merupakanprakarsa Prakarsa dari Kementerian BUMN untuk mendorong karyawan,keluarga, dan komunitas BUMN saling mengenal, menggunakan, danmempromosikan produk seluruh BUMN dengan memanfaatkan loyalty cardyang dapat bersifat antar (cross) BUMN.Program InPoin dalam Kartu BUMN memungkinkan Pemegang Kartu yangmerupakan Karyawan BUMN memperoleh Poin InPoin dari seluruh BUMNPenerbit Poin serta dapat memungkinkan Pemegang Kartu BUMNmemperoleh produk dan/atau layanan di seluruh BUMN yang yangberlaku sebagai Merchant.Aplikasi InPoin adalah aplikasi yang digunakan oleh para KaryawanBUMN untuk dapat melihat profile InPoin yang dimilikinya danbertransaksi (redeem) menggunakan InPoin yang dimilikinya.InPoin (which is anacronym of Indonesia pts) are the points that rises through aloyalty program which is one of the functions of the card programSOEs is an initiative of initiative of the Ministry of SOEs toencourage employees, family, and community SOE know each other,use, and promote the products across the SOE by using loyalty cardsthat can be inter (cross) SOEs.InPoin program in SOE card allows the cardholder an SOE employeesearn points InPoin of all SOEs Publisher Points and can allow theCardholder SOEs acquire products and / or services on the entireSOE applicable as Merchant.InPoin applications are applications that are used by the employeesof SOEs to be able to see its profile InPoin and transact (redeem)InPoin its use.
PalapaOne - Your event management app 3.0.2
PalapaOne as an event management application has a lot of coolservices for Event Organizer and Attendees. So, what’s inside? -Check-in : Using scan QR, will helps attendees get check-in donequickly and hassle-free - Missing the agenda? No worries. You canset the reminder of the event and we will remind you. - Share yourmoment : Enjoy the ease of capture the event and share to others -Games : Get the prize during the event, by being involved in thegame that organized by the event organizer - Boost networking : Byknowing the profiles of other participants, you can growing up yourrelations and make communication with them - It’s time to bepaperless. Using document feature, you can get material directlyand quickly. - Ask your question to the speaker and select whichquestions you’d most like to discuss. - You can also take part toimprove the event service by giving feedback via Feedback featureWant to know more about PalapaOne? Have an event idea or are youlooking for the latest event? contact“Empowering Your Event Experience in One App” with PalapaOne
Hoobex: Indonesia Music and Movie Marketplace Hoobex-.0.1.8
Looking for single marketplace where you can browse music andmovie?Buy Langit Music, Joox, or Spotify Music Voucher on SpecialPrice?Need To Watch New Movie by purchasing Catchplay, HooqStreamingSubscription? Subcribe Super Soccer Streaming on monthlybase? Thenyou come to the right app, Hoobex. At Hoobex , you can *Browse thelatest music and movie provided by our partner *Prelisten to MostUpdated Music Song * Watch Trailer of The LatestMusic * Compare thebest package for your entertainment needs bytype of content or timeof service. * Buy the Service ContentPackage from Our Partners likeLangit Musik, Catchplay, Joox,Iflix, Viu, Spuul and many more thatcoming * Listen Music fromLangit Music Directly on Hoobex DirectlyFeatures * Latest MovieTrailers Video Clip * Music Chart fromVarious Music ContentProvider, Langit Music, Dezeer, Tidal * SongRecognition within OneTap * Wifi.ID Locator - Find the nearest Wififrom your positionLove Hoobex? Like us on Facebook: us on Twitter:
SobatBUMN Pelapor 2.9.17
SobatBUMN Pelapor adalah aplikasi pelaporan masalah yangditemukanoleh karyawan BUMN. Masalah yang ditemukan bisa berupapelayanan,keluhan, serta fasilitas rusak yang dimana haltersebutpengerjaanya dilakukan oleh BUMN. Aplikasi pelapormendorong setiapkaryawan BUMN untuk saling mengoreksi pekerjaansatu sama lain,guna memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk masyarakat.Adanya aplikasidimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan penganangan tercepatsebelum diadukanoleh masyarakat. Setiap karyawan BUMN diharapkankerjasamanya dalammelaporkan kejadian atau masalah terkait BUMN danakan segeraditangani oleh pihak terkait melalui aplikasicontroller. SobatBUMN. Sobat Sejati, Selalu Membela, SalingMelindungi, SalingMenjaga.
Balkondes Borobudur 1.0
Balkondes (Balai Ekonomi Desa) merupakan sebuah programbentukanBUMN yang akan dimanfaatkan sebagai sebuah etalasebagiperekonomian daerah. Balkondes akan memberikan ruangbagipemerintah desa maupun masyarakat untuk mengembangkanpotensiekonomi yang ada di desa. BUMN mendirikan Balkondes sebagaisebuahbentuk dukungan untuk menggenjot kunjungan wisatawan diIndonesia.Hal ini sejalan dengan program yang dicanangkan olehpemerintahIndonesia. Melalui Balkondes, masyarakat, khususnya desa,akandipersiapkan untuk menyambut serta memberikan pelayananmaksimalbagi para wisatawan yang datang ke daerahnya. Peningkatanjumlahkunjungan wisatawan ini diharapkan akan memberikan dampakpositifpada perbaikan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar. Balkondesmerupakansalah satu program buatan BUMN selain kemitraan dan CSR(CorporateSocial Responsibility) yang berguna meningkatkan kualitashidupmasyarakat Indonesia. Untuk mendukung program ini, BUMNjugamembekali masing – masing Balkondes dengan BUMN sponsor.Untukdaerah Borobudur sendiri, sudah ada 20 Balkondes yang dibuatolehBUMN.
Remote Apps UseeTV 1.18
Please use your smarphone device to connect to remote agent onyourSTB as if you’re in front of your television
Violet Go 0.0.5
Violet Go merupakan aplikasi yang memberikan experience bagivenueowner dalam mengelola voucher dan mendelivernya kepadaenduser.